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Tests and Measurements

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Psychological Assessment Center

We are here to help you with your testing needs. Our practice is designed to provide a caring atmosphere for all family members. Our Clinicians have the experience and training to assess for disorder, disabilities, and more.

Tests & Measurements

Leveraging Psychological Assessments

At CFIC, we leverage Psychological Assessments to differentiate the psychological and neurological contributions to behavior essential to diagnosis and treatment. Assessment reports are needed for many medical, legal, or employment purposes. When faced with performance concerns in school or the office, psychoeducational and psychological testing may be warranted and used to empower clients to understand conditions and overcome hurdles. You are not your illness. To begin a path to overcome and thrive, let us start with assessing your uniqueness.

Our Specialities

CIFC offers court-ordered Psychosexual Evaluation using a multifaceted approach to assessing, measuring, and gleaning background and family history, psychological adjustment and behaviors, and sexual history and behaviors using a series of psychological and psychosexual batteries. Psychosexual evaluations are only offered upon court orders to those 13 years old and older. A sexual history polygraph examination is not included in our Psychosexual Evaluation.

Knowing your learning disability is empowering and offers you an opportunity to develop a strategy to thrive and overcome.


1. The person must exhibit an academic deficit that can be connected to a processing deficit in one of the assessed areas.For example low reading comprehension skills can be linked to weak verbal abilities.


2. The person must exhibit a significant discrepancy between their overall ability level and one or more academic areas.For example, a learning disability is keeping them from working to their potential in a particular area.
We evaluate the following areas of cognition and learning:
Verbal Abilities
Reasoning Abilities
Long-Term Memory
Short-Term Memory
Auditory Processing
Visual Processing
Processing Speed

Each area of cognition and learning is vital to a person’s ability to learn, retain, and apply new information.

After the cognition and learning area is determined, we then identify the disabilitydisabilty within the following categories:
Basic Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension
Math Calculations
Math Reasoning
Written Expression
Oral Expression
Listening Comprehension

You are not your illness. Learn how to turn your ADHD into a strength.

The ADHD Rating Scale 5 (ADHD-RS-5) is a rating scale specifically for children and adolescents with ADHD that has been updated to correspond with the DSM-5.

The ADHD-RS-5 has several versions which correspond to different age groups (5-10 years old and 11-17 years old) as well as different settings (home and school).

Consider these symtoms to determins if an ADHD evaluation is needed:

Makes careless mistakes/lacks attention to detail.
Lacks sustained attention in tasks or fun activities.
Poor listener, even in the absence of obvious distractionsdistraction.
Fails to follow through on tasks and instructions.
Difficulty with organization, time management, and deadlines.
Avoids tasks requiring sustained mental effort.
Loses things necessary for tasks or activities.
Easily distracted (including unrelated thoughts).
Forgetful in daily activities.
Procrastinates and puts off tasks until the last moment possible.

A Fitness for Duty Evaluation is rindicating equested when an employee displays behavior that would indicate that the individual may have a psychological condition that impairs their ability to safely and effectively carry out their essential job functions or poses a direct threat.

A psychological FFDE is a formal, specialized examination of an incumbent employee that results from (1) objective evidence that the employee may be unable to safely or effectively perform a defined job and (2) a reasonable basis for believing that the cause may be attributable to a psychological condition or impairment.

FFDEsFFDE are only provided at the request of an organization. Individuals may not request a FFDE independent of an organization.

Those with ASD are valuable just the way they are!

Research has found that ASD can sometimes be detected at 18 months or younger. By age 2, a diagnosis by an experienced professional can be considered very reliable.

Screening tools are designed to help identify children who might have developmental delays. Screening tools can be specific to a disorder (for example, autism) or an area (for example, cognitive development, language, or gross motor skills), or they may be general, encompassing multiple areas of concern. Some screening tools are used primarily in pediatric practices, while others are used by school systems or in other community settings.

CFIC may partner with other clinical communities, including pediatrics to provide a thorough Diagnosis and Screening of ASD.

Psychosis may be a symptom of a mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression. You are not your illness. Psychological Testing is included in our individualzed treatment planning, evluation, and interventions.

We are here to help!

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The Center for Innovative Care is a private Counseling and Research Center that specializes in comprehensive Psychological Treatment and Research.

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